Free and Confidential Women’s Center

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be a challenging and emotional time for you and your partner.

As a man, it is important to know how you can support your partner through this experience. Your support can make a significant difference in her well-being and in the decisions you make together.

Here are some ways to be there for your partner during this time.

How to Support Your Partner Right Now

1. Listen and Communicate Openly:

One of the most important things you can do is to listen to your partner’s thoughts, feelings, and concerns without judgment. She may be experiencing a range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

Let her know that you’re there to listen and that her feelings are valid.

Open communication will help you navigate this situation together and make informed decisions.

2. Educate Yourself:

Take the time to educate yourself about pregnancy, the options available, and what your partner might be going through physically and emotionally. Understanding the situation will help you provide informed support and show that you’re invested in both her well-being and your relationship’s future.

3. Offer Emotional Support:

Emotional support is crucial during this time. Reassure your partner that she is not alone and that you’re in this together. Be patient and understanding as she processes her emotions, and don’t hesitate to express your feelings as well.

Creating an environment where you feel comfortable sharing and supporting each other is essential.

4. Help With Practical Decisions:

There will be many practical decisions to make, such as scheduling medical appointments, discussing financial plans, and considering future options. Be actively involved in these discussions and decisions.

Offer to accompany her to doctor’s appointments and help research resources and information.

5. Seek Support Together:

Consider seeking outside support, such as counseling or speaking with a trusted advisor. At Alemod Mututubanya Foundation, we offer a safe space where you and your partner can learn more about your options and receive free support services.

7. Prepare for the Future:

Regardless of the decision made, start thinking about the future and how you can best support your partner in the long term. If you decide to parent together, consider how you’ll share responsibilities and provide for your child.

If adoption or another option is chosen, discuss how you’ll support each other through the process.

We’re Here for You

You and your partner aren’t alone in this. We’re here for you both.

Contact us today to learn how we can help. All appointments and services are free.

Safe and Supportive Care

You are stronger than you know.